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Background: It has been speculated that many factors including age, hemoglobin serum albumin level and socioeconomic factors are closely related with the mortality and morbidity of patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Optimal management of the patients with pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease has been thought to be very important for the prognosis of end-stage renal disease patients on dialysis.

Methods: In order to evaluate the clinical impact of referral pattern of chronic renal failure patients to nephrologist, 217 patients (male 129, female 88) who initiated hemodialysis from Jan. 1998 to Jul. 2002 in Chungnam National University Hospital were included in this retrospective analysis. Patients were defined as early referral (n=129) when hemodialysis was initiated at least 90 days after the first visit to nephrologist and as late referral (n=88) when hemodialysis was performed within 90 days after the first visit to nephrologist.

Results: Male gender and medical aid coverage were significantly more prevalent in late referral than early referral group (p<0.05, p<0.05, respectively). Late referral group had more combined medical problems than those of early referral group (p<0.05). Serum albumin level of early referral group was significantly higher than that of late referral group at the initiation of hemodialysis (p<0.001). At the initiation of hemodialysis, temporary central catheter for the blood access was needed in 85.2 % of late referral group. However, only 41.6% of early referral group needed such temporary catheter (p<0.001). One year after initiation of hemodialysis treatment, early referral group showed significantly lower mortality rate than that of late referral group (p<0.001).

Conclusion: The early referral of chronic renal failure patients to nephrologist has beneficial effects including higher one-year survival after beginning of hemodialysis.(Korean J Med 67:625-634, 2004)


Chronic renal failure;Survival;Hemodialysis;Referral;Nephrologist

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