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2ȸÀÇ ¼º°øÀûÀÎ Ãâ»êÀ» °æÇèÇÑ ¸»´Üºñ´ëÁõ 1¿¹ A case of two consecutive deliveries in a woman with acromegaly

´ëÇѳ»°úÇÐȸÁö 2004³â 67±Ç 6È£ p.662 ~ 666
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°íÀåÇö ( Koh Jang-Hyun ) 
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Acromegaly is a rare pituitary disorder and usually results from GH hypersecretion by a somatotroph adenoma. Disturbed pituitary function might lead to infertility or early pregnancy termination. Pregnancy in acromegaly is very rare. GH is a potent insulin antagonist, and pregnant patients with GH hypersecretion are prone to added glucose intolerance and diabetes. Pregnancy itself may impact the course of a pituitary tumor. In our case, pregnancy was uneventful and normal
full-term infant was delivered at 1993 by vaginal delivery after transsphenoidal surgery and bromocriptine therapy. After delivery, GH and IGF-I level wasn¡¯t normalized. Postoperative pituitary MRI scan showed residual tumor. Therefore she received subsequent postoperative pituitary radiation (total dose : 5000 cGy). Next year, despite elevated GH and IGF-I, she delivered normal full-term infant.
We report a case of two consecutive deliveries in a woman with acromegaly despite elevated GH and IGF-I levels after transsphenoidal surgery and radiation therapy.(Korean J Med 67:662-666, 2004)


Acromegaly;Pregnancy;Growth Hormone

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