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ÃéÀ島¼ºÁ¾¾çÀÇ ÃֽŠġ·á °¡À̵å¶óÀÎ Updated Guidelines for the Management of Pancreatic Cystic Neoplasm

´ëÇѳ»°úÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 94±Ç 4È£ p.322 ~ 329
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Á¤±¤Çö ( Chung Kwang-Hyun ) 
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¼Õº´°ü ( Son Byoung-Kwan ) 
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Pancreatic cystic neoplasms are becoming increasingly frequent, presenting a number of challenges in clinical practice. While several guidelines have been published to address these, they are largely composed of expert opinions based on relatively low-level evidence. Their recommendations are similar in general, but there are many differences in detail. Pancreatic neoplasms have differing malignant potential, based on the histologic type and clinical and radiological features of the cysts. It is necessary to stratify the malignancy risk of each cyst, using proper evaluation methods, and to manage it appropriately, with surgical resection or surveillance. In addition, risks associated with surgical resection, costs associated with long-term follow-up, and patient discomfort and anxiety must be considered in the proper management of pancreatic cystic neoplasms. In this review, we introduce four recently published guidelines.


Pancreatic cyst; Pancreatic neoplasms; Practice guideline; Pancreatic intraductal neoplasms

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