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±â´É¼º À§Àå°ü Áúȯ¿¡¼­ÀÇ À½½Ä °ú¹Î¼º°ú À½½Ä ºÒ³»ÁõÀÇ Áø´Ü Diagnosis of Food Hypersensitivity and Food Intolerance in Patients with a Functional Gastrointestinal Disorder

´ëÇѳ»°úÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 94±Ç 5È£ p.438 ~ 442
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ÀÌÈ«¼· ( Lee Hong-Sub ) 
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À̱¤Àç ( Lee Kwang-Jae ) 
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Patients with a functional gastrointestinal disorder (FGID) frequently report abdominal discomfort and bloating after ingesting specific foods. However, evidence on the relationship between foods and symptoms is lacking. In addition, the diagnosis of food hypersensitivity and food intolerance does not seem to be established yet. Food hypersensitivity can be divided into immunologically mediated and non-immunologically mediated forms. The immunologically mediated forms are specifically termed food allergies, whereas the non-immunologically mediated forms are referred to as food intolerances. Various diagnostic tools are required to make an accurate diagnosis of a food allergy or a food intolerance. First, a thorough examination of the history and basic tests to rule out other organic diseases are needed. Next, diagnostic tests for immunoglobulin E-mediated food allergies are required and diseases, such as celiac disease and lactose intolerance, should be differentiated. A diagnosis for non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is also required. A double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, dietary challenge test can be used for diagnosing NCGS and food intolerance. Diagnostic tests for food intolerance, in which scientific evidence is lacking, may result in a misdiagnosis of food hypersensitivity or food intolerance in patients with a FGID. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis of food hypersensitivity or food intolerance based on reliable tests is required.


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Food intolerance; Food hypersensitivity; Gastrointestinal diseases

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