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´ëĪÀ¸·Î ¹ß»ýÇÑ ±âÀúÇٺΠ³ú½ÇÁú³» ÃâÇ÷ - Áõ ·Ê º¸ °í - Mirror-Image Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Basal Ganglia - Case Report -

´ëÇѳúÇ÷°üÇÐȸÁö 2001³â 3±Ç 2È£ p.178 ~ 183
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À̳쿵/Nok Young Lee ±èÀç¹Î/¹é±¤Èì/±èÃæÇö/¿À¼®Àü/Jae Min Kim/Koang Hum Bak/Choong Hyun Kim/Suck Jun Oh


Intracerebral hemorrhage in the brain is the most common complication of hypertension, aneurysmal rupture, or vascular malformation. The occurrence of symmetrically bilateral intracerebral hemorrhage is an unusual clinical event that develops in
only a
small percentage of all patients who have intracerebral hemorrhage. Even though, the size of contralateral hemorrhage is not too large, makority of patients with bilateral intracerebral hemorrhage in basal ganglia or thalamus have generally a
outcome. In all cases of this reprt, the contralateral intracerebral hemorrhage was resulted from an inadequate control of hypertension. Therefore, optimal control of blood pressure must be considered as the most imprtant treatment option to
recurrence. Authors report the characteristic clinical and radiologic features of four cases in which mirror-image bilateral intracerebral hemorrhage occurred.


³ú³»ÃâÇ÷; °íÇ÷¾Ð; Bilateral intracerebral hemorrhage; Hypertension; Basal ganglia; Thalamus;

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