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°¡Á¤°£È£ÇÐȸÁö 1993³â 1±Ç 1È£ p.71 ~ 76
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±èÀç³² ( Kim Jae-Nam ) 
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¹èÁ¤Èñ ( Bae Jeong-Hui ) 
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¼­Çý¿Á ( Seo Hye-Ok ) 
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This study was carried out to investigate agreement, content and demand for home nursing care of hospital inpatients in brain, spain and musculoskeletal diseases. The data was collected by interviewing with 242 patients who were hospitalized in university hospital on Taegu, from September 6,60 October 9, 1993. Of 242 patients, 66.1% agreed to home nursing care system and rate of agreement was highest between 30 years to 49 years of age as 40.4% in general characteristics. The rate of agreement according to type of diagnosis was highest inpatients with spinal diseases as 75.6% according to functional status was the highest in patients who had daily living activity freely as 69.4% according to prognosis in patients at terminal stage as 80.0% and the rate of agreement to home nursing care of patients who wanted early discharge was 73.9% The first-ranking reasons of agreement to home nursing care was asking for continuous relationship with doctor as 37.3% and there was statistically significant difference in reasons of agreement to home nursing care according to functional status of patients. The first-ranking reason of early discharge among patients who wanted early discharge(74.8%) was because of long time stay in hospital. Among 23 items of nursing activity that patient wanted, the first-ranking item was recovery promotion, prevention of complication, education and counseling for health as 76.4%, drug management was 2nd-ranking item as 62.1% and the third was regular checking of vital signs as 55.9%, The lowest item of demand for home nursing care was hospice care(3.9%) and airway keep(9.1%).


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