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Background: Splenectomy is a powerful therapeutic modality for treatment of hematologic disorders. The technical feasibility of laparoscopic splenectomy(LS) has been recently established. The authors review our experience with LS in patients with intractable hematologic diseases.

Methods: Twelve patients underwent LS between May 1995 and April 1999. They were reviewed retrospectively with a clinical records. The safety and efficacy of LS were studied and other patient¢¥s recovery parameters were discussed.

Results: Indications were idiopathic thrombocytopenic prupra(ITP), hereditary spherocytosis(HS), systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE). All patients were women. Mean age was 26 years and mean body weight was 59.5 kg. We used 5 ports for the first 3 cases on supine position, then we could eliminate one or two port after changing patient¢¥s position from supine to the right side down lateral decubitus position. Mean operation time was 139 minutes and mean postoperative hospital stay was 5.4 days. Accessory spleen was not found out under the laparoscopic search on all cases and mean spleen weight was 178g. LS was completed in 11 patients. A positive response was noted in all of patients with HS, without relapse for the duration of the observation. ITP relapsed in three patients during follow up after 1 month. Complications occurred in three patients, one requiring a percutaneous drainage under the ultrasound guided for left subphrenic abscess, one postoperative both shoulder pain and another omental herniation through the flank trochar insertion site but they were spontaneous relived. Only one case was converted to open splenectomy for bleeding due to splenic artery tearing during the hilum dissection, in early period.

Conclusions: LS can be performed safely and effectively in patients with intractable hematologic disorders. It offers earlier oral feeding, and shorter hospital stays. Especially, the right side down lateral decubitus position with is easier than supine position during the LS. This position has allowed us to achieve an easy, safe, and decrease number of the trochar insertion for vascular control with remarkably low intraoperative bleeding. LS should be considered in all patients requiring splenectomy for the treatment of intractable benign hematologic disease.

Laparoscopic splenectomy - Intractable hematologic disease


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