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°£ ³¶Á¾¿¡ ½ÃÇàÇÑ º¹°­°æ °³Ã¢¼ú Laparoscopic Fenestration in Nonparasitic Hepatic Cysts

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ÃÖÀ±¹é/Youn Baik Choi


Purpose: Interventions are required when nonparasitic liver cysts become symptomatic. Different non-surgical and sugical treatments have been proposed for highly symptomatic or complicated cyets or demonstrating rapid growth. Recently
laparoscopic fenestration of solitary liver cysts has been reported and has gained widespread accedtance. The purpose of this study is to assess the therapeutic potential, feasibility, effectiveness and evalutate immediate and long-term outcome
laparoscopic fenestration.
Method: After a careful review of the symptoms and imaging studies, thirteen patients with nonparaitic liver cysts were treated by laparoscopic fenestration during a period of 3 years. Analgesic requirement, postoperative morbidity and
rate, hospital stay, and clinical outcome were evaluated. Data were collected retrospectively.
Results: The procedures were completed laparoscopically in 13 patients. The size of the hepatic cysts varied from 14 to 25§¯ and 8 case were located in the right lobe and 5 case were located in the left lobe. The median operative time was
minutes. Analgesic requirement was minimal and the median length of stay was 5.2 days. Complications occurred in 2 cases(15%) including atelectasis and paralytic ileus which was managed conservatively. There were no deaths and a complete
symptoms occurred in all patients. During the follow-up period(3~37months), there was no recurrence.
Conclusions: Laparoscopic fenestration can be accomolished safely in patients with symptomatic nonparasitic liver cyst located in the anterolateral liver segments. Adequate selection of patients, location of the cyst and meticulous and
sugical technique("wide unroofing") are recommended. But it is necessary to await a careful evaluation of safety and effectiveness of this procedures in large series with the open surgery.


°£³¶Á¾; ºñ±â»ýÃ漺; °³Ã¢¼ú; º¹°­°æ; liver cyst; nonparasitic; fenestration(unroofing); laparoscopy;

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