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º¹°­°æ ´ã³¶ÀýÁ¦¼ú ¿¬¼Ó 100¿¹ 100 consecutive Laparoscopic cholecystectomy -A prospective study

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À̳²ÁØ/Nam Joon Yi ÇÑÈ£¼º/±è¿µ¿ì/Ãֿ븸/À¯±Ç/±Çµµ¼º/Ho Seong Han/Young Woo Kim/Yong Man Choi/Kwon Yu/Do Seong Kwon


Purpose: To elucidate the feasibility of laparoscopic surgery for all cases of cholecystectomy including acute cholecystitis and complicated cholecystitis.
Methods: The authors performed laparoscopic cholecystecotmy for 100 consecutive patients at Ewha Womans University Mok-Dong Hospital from October 1998 to August 1999. Three malignant cases and one patient who developed severe hypercarbia
making the pneumoperitoneum were excluded. Data wre collected prospectively for all cholecystectomy cases and the patients were designed to underwent to laparoscopic surgery.
Results: The number of patients with acute cholecytitis were 51 and nonacute conditions including chronic cholecytitis, GB polyp and nonfunctioning GB were 49. Complicated cholecystitis patients comprised 5 cases of GB empyema, 3 cases of
pericholecystic abscess, and 3 cases of GB hydrops. Four patients had previous abdominal operation histories. The mean operative time was 79.7(30-290) minutes. A penrose drain was inserted in 18 cases, and Endopouch¨Þ was used in 28 cases.
occured in 2 cases(biliary fistulae), but they were improved with conservative treatment. There was no open conversion and no postoperative mortality. The mean time to the first diet was started on the postoperative 3rd day, and the mean hospital
was postoperatively 5 days.
Conclusion: Laproscopic approach could be a first choice for any cases of cholecystecotmy except malignancy or severe medical illness. Laparosopic cholecystectomy could be performed safely even for the patients in old age, with previous
operation, and with acute or complicated cholecystitis.


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