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°æº¹¸· º¹°­°æ ºÎ½Å ÀýÁ¦¼ú Initial Experience of Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy

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Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy(LA) has several advantages such as short hospital stay, minimal postoperative pain, improved cosmesis and early return to the social activity. But LA needs selective criteria. We present out results of four
transperitoneal LAs due to Cushing adenoma, Pheochrmocytoma, Aldosteronoma and nonfunctioning adrenocortical adenoma. The adrenal mass mesured by abdominal computed tomogram was 3¡¿2.5§¯, 6¡¿5§¯, 2.5¡¿2§¯, 3¡¿3§¯ respectively. The time needed for LA was 250minute(min),
360min,190min and 180min respectively. There was no
mortality and complication. Intraoperative blood loss was low except phochromocytoma with venous bleeding. The length of hospital stay was 7 days, 18 days, 7days and 5days respectively. The LA is a safe and efficient technique for the removal of adrenal mass.


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Transperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy;

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