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À§¿°ÀüÀÇ º¹°­°æÇÏ À§ °íÁ¤¼ú üÇè 1¿¹ Laparoscopic Gastripexy of Gastric Volvulus

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½ÅÇàö/Hyeng Cheol Shin ÀÌÁ¾¸í/±è¿ì¿µ/ÀÓÇü±Ù/Jong Myeong Lee/Woo Young Kim/Hyung Guhn Lim


Gastric volvulus is an uncommon condition, which can be difficult to diagnosis and treat. The volvulus is commonly secondary to other causes, such as paraesophageal hiatus hernia, eventration of the diaphragm and the classical presentation of
gastic volvulus is a triad of severe epigastric pain, vomitting followed by retching without the ability to vomit, and difficulty or inability to pass a nasogastric tube, but chronic volvulus may be symptomless and incidental finding on a barium
chest X-ray, CT, or MRI. If symptoms occur, they usually consist of mild, upper abdominal discomfort with features as like peotic ulcer or calculus disease of the gallbladder. Treatment of gastric volvulus is either conservative or surgical, the
traditionally requreing a laparotomy for reduction of the volvulus and correction of underlying causes. More recent approaches include gastropexy alone, either at laparotomy or by Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) and laparoscopic
We diagnosed a case of gastric volvulus by barium study and treated the patient with laparoscopic gastropexy and achieved good result. Therefore, Authers report this case with review of the recent literatures.


À§¿°Àü; º¹°­°æ À§°íÁ¤¼ú; Gastric volvulus; Laparoscopic gastropexy;

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