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³»Àå°ñ µ¿¸Æ·ùÀÇ º¹°­°æ ÀýÁ¦ Laparoscopic Resection of an Internal lliac Artery Aneurysm

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Á¶±Ô¿­/Kyu Youl Cho ÀÌ»ó±Ç/¹Ú½Âö/±è¿ø¿ì/ÀüÇظí/±èÀÀ±¹/Sang Kuon Lee/Seung Cheol Park/Won Woo Kim/Hae Myung Jeon/Eung Kook Kim


Isolated internal iliac artery aneurysms are rare, but they are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Surgical management is warranted when they are greater than 3.0§¯ in diameter because when ruptured, mortality of 58% is
Traditionally, surgical treatment consisted of proximal ligation, combination of resection and grafting, distal revascularization or obliterative endoaneurysorraphy, being this last one, the method of choice. However, the role of minimally
methods, such as the radiologically guided embolization recently gained popularity. Laparoscopic resection is a good alternative to the open and interventional mehtods because it is minimally invasive, which the mass effect of the aneurysm is
completely eliminated. We performed a successful laparoscpic resection of an isolated internal iliac artery aneurysm in a 69-year old male patient who presented with s retroperitoneal tumor of 4.0§¯ in diameter. The patient had an uneventful
and was disharged from hospital on postoperative day 3. We believe that this is the first laparoscopic trial in patient with in patient with internal iliac artery aneurysm in the literature.


º¹°­°æ; ÀýÁ¦; ³»Àå°ñ µ¿¸Æ; µ¿¸Æ·ù; Laparoscopy; Resection; Internal iliac artery; Aneurysm;

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