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¼Õ´öû/Son DC ¹ÚÁ¾ÈÆ/À̳²Çõ/ÀÌÁ¤¾È/±è»óÀ±/Park JH/Lee NH/Rhee JA/Kim SY


Parovarian cyst is a very uncommon adnexal tumor and rarely symptomatic. We report a case of symptomatic parovarian cyst managed with laparoscopic surgery in a 14 years old girl with hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome. She visited emergency room with sudden onset of lower abdominal pain accompanying tenderness and rebound tenderness. Pelvic ultrasonography showed a cyst measuring 9.4⁓8.1 cm in size, and MRI revealed torsion of right ovary and parovarian cyst with fluid collection around pelvic cavity. We performed emergent laparoscopic salpingo-oophorectomy including parovarian cyst. The retrieval of specimen was done by using an EndobagTM to prevent the leakage of cystic fluid. Histologically, there were hemorrhagic infarction in ovary and parovarian cyst by mesothelial origin. Postoperative course was uneventful. Parovarian cyst can be a cause of acute abdomen in girls.


³­¼ÒÁÖÀ§ ³¶Á¾;°¨µ·;º¹°­°æ;±Þ¼ºº¹Áõ;¼Ò¾Æ;Parovarian cyst;Torsion;Laparoscopy;Acute abdomen;Children

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