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¾ÈÀºÁ¤/Ahn EJ ¹Î¼®±â/ÀÌÇö±¹/ÇÑÈ£¼º/Ãֿ븸/Min SK/Lee HK/Han HS/Choi YM


The splenectomy is the one of the treatment for the management of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). Recently, with the advance of laparoscopic technique, laparoscopic splenectomy is performing like a standard method for the ITP. The main cause of failure of complete remission after splenectomy is accessory spleen. We experienced the repeat laparoscopic surgery for the treatment recurred ITP by two accessory spleen after splenectomy before 5 years ago. The patient was 24 years old woman and diagnosed by the spiral computed tomography on abdomen and pelvis. Two accessory spleen that were peripancreatic area and measured the 2 cm and 0.5 cm, were removed with AutosonixⰒ and vinyl bag (LapbagⰒ) through the previous same port site. The patient recovered without any problem and discharged at postoperative 12th day. In the follow up, she was complete remission state.


º¹°­°æ ¼ö¼ú;ºÎºñÀå;Ư¹ßÇ÷¼ÒÆÇ°¨¼ÒÀÚ»ö¹Ýº´;Laparoscopic surgery;Accessory spleen;Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

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