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º»µå¸¦ »ïŲ ÈÄ »ý±ä À§ À̹°ÀÇ À§³»½Ã°æÇÏ º¹°­°æÁ¦°Å¼ú 1¿¹ Combined Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Removal of Foreign Bodies Induced by Glue Ingestion

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ÇÑö/Han C ±è½Âö/À±Áß¿ø/Kim SC/Yun JW


We report the successful laparoscopic removal of an intragastric foreign body with assistance of gastric endoscopy. A 21-year-old man who ingested glue with suicidal intent, that was solidified in the stomach. It was removed by laparoscopy with endoscopic assistance. Laparoscopic removal of an intragastric foreign body is feasible and safe treatment, andcan be an alternative choice following failed endoscopic removal.


º¹°­°æ; À̹°; À§³»½Ã°æ; º»µå;Laparoscopy; Foreign body; Endoscopy; Glue

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