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°£³» °á¼® ȯÀÚ¿¡¼­ ¿ÏÀü º¹°­°æ ÁÂÃø¿± ÀýÁ¦¼ú Totally Laparoscopic Left Lateral Sectionectomy in Hepatolithiasis

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±è¼º¾Æ/Kim SA ±èÅÂÇü/¹éÁ¾¹Î/¼º±â¿µ/À̵µ»ó/¹ÚÀÏ¿µ/Kim TH/Baek JM/Sung GY/Lee DS/Park IY


According to the current therapeutic strategy for intrahepatic stones, hepatectomy seems to be the most effective treatment for the patients with isolated hepatolithiasis. Recently laparoscopic liver resection has been proved to a feasible method of treatment of these patients. We report a left lateral sectionectomy by total laparoscopic approach. A 39-year-old woman was admitted for right upper quadrant abdominal pain. Ultrasonography and computed tomography revealed common bile duct and left intrahepatic duct stones. Left lateral sectioncetomy, cholecystectomy and T-tube choledochostomy were performed by totally laparoscopic procedure. The specimenwas removed through the 12 mm port site without extension. Estimated blood loss was 200 ml. She was discharged on postoperative 10th days. No transfusion was required. There was no bile leakage and gas embolism. Totally laparoscopic lateral sectionectomy is safe and an effective method of treatment for patients with intrahepatic stones.


°£³» °á¼®Áõ; ¿ÏÀü º¹°­°æ ÁÂÃø¿± ÀýÁ¦¼ú;Intrahepatic duct stones; Totally laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomy

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