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º¹°­°æÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ¼ÕÅé±ðÀÌ Á¦°Å 1¿¹ Laparoscopic Removal of a Swallowed Nail Clipper - A case report -

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¹Ú½Ã¿µ/Park SY ÃÖ¼ö¹Ì/±è±âÇÑ/±è¹ÎÂù/Á¤°©Áß/Choi SM/Kim KH/Kim MC/Jung GJ


Foreign body ingestion is a common occurrence, and frequently requires surgical removal. Alcohol consumption, psychiatric disorders, and seizure disorders have all been reported as contributory factors. Bulimia is a recent addition to its list. Foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract pass spontaneously through the anus without any medical intervention in most cases. Treatment options for ingested foreign bodies may be close observation, endoscopic removal, surgical removal, depending on various clinical settings. Although most cases are spontane ously passed out by observation or removedendoscopically some cases require surgical intervention. In surgical situation, open gastrotomy was widely accepted for the removal of ingested foreign bodies, but minimally invasive procedures using laparoscopic instrumentation has recently been replacing open surgeries. We report a case who accidentally swalled a nail clipper which was successfully removed via laparoscopic gastrotomy.


À̹°Áú; º¹°­°æ; ¼ÕÅé±ðÀÌ ; Foreign body; Laparoscopy; Nail clipper

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