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ºñ´¢ÀÇÇаú ±¹³» Áø·á ±Ç°í¾È °³¹ß ÇöȲ The Current Status of Development of Korean Clinical Practice Guidelines in Urology

Journal of Urologic Oncology 2019³â 17±Ç 1È£ p.1 ~ 6
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¿©Á¤±Õ ( Yeo Jeong-Kyun ) 
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¹Ú¹Î±¸ ( Park Min-Gu ) 
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The clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) is made step by step. The evidences that have been published were searched and a group of experts make a consensus based in the evidences. The CPGs in the medical field, where utilizations and interests are increasing, must be confirmed in the management of quality. The Korean Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation II (K-AGREE II) tool that helps to manage the quality of CPGs and to develop CPGs was translated by the Steering Committee for Clinical Practice Guideline. It is divided into 6 domains and each domains are independent. It is consisted of 23 items as detail and 2 items for the overall evaluation. Only fifteen CPGs are successfully certified using the K-AGREE II tool in the Korean Medical Guideline Information Center from 2013 and 3 CPGs made by the Korea Urological Association and the associated societies are certified successfully. With the level of certification of CPGs is higher, the Korea Urological Association and the associated societies are also try to develop CPGs that meet their level of certification. The Korean clinical practice guideline for the treatment of prostate cancer developed recently is the evidence of effort


Practice guidelines; Quality improvement; Urology

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