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Expert Group Consensus Opinion on Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Management in India: Part 1 of 2

Journal of Urologic Oncology 2020³â 18±Ç 3È£ p.170 ~ 182
Ghose Amit, Khochikar Makarand, Sabnis Ravindra, Parmar Naveen Magendra, Purkait Indranil,
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 ( Ghose Amit ) 
Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals Limited

 ( Khochikar Makarand ) 
Siddhi Vinayak Ganapati Cancer Hospital Department of Uro-Oncology
 ( Sabnis Ravindra ) 
Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital Department of Urology
 ( Parmar Naveen Magendra ) 
Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Medical Affairs and Clinical Research
 ( Purkait Indranil ) 
Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Medical Affairs and Clinical Research


Purpose: To evaluate Indian literature, clinical practice and develop consensus opinion on various aspects of prostate cancer diagnosis and management in order to assist medical practitioners across India in effectively choosing right treatment option for patients with prostate cancer.

Materials and Methods: At the CAP summit held in Kolkata on 2019, a group of leading experts from across India voted on 42 consensus statements. Final statements were derived on the basis of voting results and subsequent expert panel meeting. Based on the panellists discussion on various areas of prostate cancer and practicability of recommendation in clinical practice, 5 statements were deleted and a draft was prepared. The draft is divided into 2 parts; part 1 covers 16 statements on prostate cancer diagnosis and early prostate cancer.

Results: A total of 37 statements were accepted and finalised by expert panel members based on the voting results. Sixteen statements with varying degrees of support from the panel are described in detail in this article.

Conclusions: The statements derived from several Indian scientific evidences, local clinical experience, and international guidelines will serve as a reference guide for clinicians across India in the management of prostate cancer.


Prostate cancer; Guideline; Prostate-specific antigen; Prostatectomy consensus

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