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PNF ÇÏÁö±¼°îÆÐÅϿÀÌ Ã¼°£±ÙÀ° È°¼ºµµ¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â ¿µÇâ The Effects of PNF Leg Flexion Patterns on EMG Activity of the Trunk

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±è°æȯ ( Kim Kyung-Hwan ) 
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±â°æÀÏ ( Ki Kyong-Il ) 
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À±ÇýÁø ( Youn Hye-Jin ) 
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Purpose£º The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of PNF lower extremity flexion pattern on the eletromyographic (EMG) activity in rectus abdominis, internal oblique abdominal, external oblique abdominal, erector spinae.

Methods£º Twenty-six healthy adults volunteered to participate in this study. Subjects were required complete following two PNF lower extremity patterns; flexion-adduction-external rotation with knee flexion (D1) and flexion-abduction -internal rotation with knee flexion (D2). A paired t-test was used to determine the influence of the PNF two patterns on muscle activity for each muscle and descriptive statistics was used to determine local/global muscle ratio.

Results£º The D1 pattern was showed significant rectus abdominis (p<.05) and Median of internal oblique/rectus abdominis ratio was 2.23 and internal oblique/external oblique ratio was 1.53. The D2 pattern showed significant erector spinae (p<.05) and Median of internal oblique/rectus abdominis ratio was 3.06 and internal oblique/external oblique ratio was 1.72.

Conclusion£º The D1 pattern made rectus abdominis activation increase. The D2 pattern made erector spinae activation increase. As compared D1 and D2 pattern on trunk muscle activation, it¡¯s will be useful decision making for the trunk muscle strength and stabilization.


PNF; Lower extremity pattern; Trunk muscle; Electromyography

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