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Á¶±ÔÇà ( Cho GYU-Hang ) 
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Purpose£º The purpose of this study was to evaluate the criterion-related validity of the Berg balance test between fallers and non-fallers in individuals with Parkinson¡¯s disease.

Methods£º Thirty-one patients were recruited for this study. Their initial diagnosis had been made on average 30.1¡¾10.1 years earlier. Score of Berg balance test showed significant correlations with indicators of motor functioning and daily living capacity. Berg balance test score was inversely associated with the unified Parkinson¡¯s disease rating scale-motor score, and Schwab and England activities of daily living rating scale.

Results£º In all 3 correlations, lower scores on the Berg balance test correlated with higher unified Parkinson¡¯s disease rating scale-motor scores. Results support the criterion-related validity of the Berg balance test.

Conclusion£º Our research results agree with other published research in suggesting that the Berg balance test may be used as a screening tool and ongoing assessment tool for patients with Parkinson¡¯s disease.


Balance; Berg balance test; Parkinson¡¯s disease; Schwab and England activities of daily living; Unified Parkinson¡¯s disease rating scale

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