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ü°£ ¾çÃø¼º ȸÀü ¿îµ¿°ú PNF ¿îµ¿ÀÌ ºÎÁ¤·Ä ÁõÈıºÀ» °¡Áø ¼ºÀÎÀÇ º¸Çà¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â ¿µÇâ The Influence of Trunk Rotation Exercise and PNF Exercise on Gait in the Individuals with Malalignment Syndrome

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ÃÖÀç¿ø ( Choi Jae-Won ) 
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³ëÇöÁ¤ ( Noh Hyeon-Jeong ) 
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Purpose£º The aim of this study was to identify of bilateral trunk rotation(BTR) exercise and PNF exercise on gait in the individuals with malalignment syndrome.

Methods£º Subjects were 32 that were divided 2 groups in 20¡¯s generation. Interventions were trunk ratation exercise and PNF exercise. We used Medex for trunk rotation exercise. BTR group received exercise for three-sets (10min/set) along with stretching exercise ten-minutes, 3 times per week. PNF group took turns the D1 pattern in upper extremity and the D1 pattern in the opposite side of lower extremity for three-sets (10min/set). The measurement were force metatarsal 1 (FM 1), impulse metatarsal 1 (IM 1), force heel lat (FHL), impulse heel lat (IHL) by using footscan (RS scan). Statistical method was repeated measurement of ANOVA and p value was 0.05.

Results£º BTR and PNF group were significantly different in time(FM 1, IM 1, FHL, IHL). As different of right/left, BTR and PNF exercise were significantly different in FM 1, IM 1, FHL.

Conclusion£º BTR exercise was good exercise for malalignment but needs expensive equipment, for example, Medex.
PNF exercise doesn¡¯t need expensive equipment but good method in malalignment syndrome person for gait ability. If PNF exercise is more experiment, PNF exercise could use variety for more patients.


Trunk rotation; PNF; Malalignment syndrome

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