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Therapeutic Applications of Ultrasound in Neurological Diseases

´ëÇѽŰæÃÊÀ½ÆÄÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 11±Ç 1È£ p.62 ~ 72
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ÃÖ°­È£ ( Choi Kang-Ho ) 
Chonnam National University Medical School Chonnam National University Hospital Department of Neurology

±èÀÚÇý ( Kim Ja-Hae ) 
Chonnam National University Hospital Department of Nuclear Medicine


Ultrasonography is well recognized as an imaging tool. Recent research in the therapeutic applications of ultrasound has made great progress. Ultrasound can be widely used in ablative or nondestructive therapies, depending on the level of energy provided. In some neurological diseases, ultrasound has been used for therapeutic purposes in clinical practice and has proven effective. The use of ultrasound energy for therapy continues to expand; therapeutic ultrasound for the treatment of essential tremor has been approved by the United States. Therapeutic ultrasound has also been approved in many countries for the treatment of Parkinson¡¯s disease, neuropathic pain, and neuropsychiatric conditions, such as major depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. This modality has the potential to treat many more neurological diseases than are currently being treated in clinical practice. Therapeutic ultrasound can be used for functional ablation of specific brain lesions, tumor ablation, neuromodulation, immunomodulation, sonothrombolysis, angiogenesis, and soft tissue healing. In addition, the effects of transient blood-brain barrier opening for the delivery of therapeutic agents and the subsequent use of sonodynamic therapy could revolutionize the treatment of neurological diseases in the future. Therapeutic applications of ultrasound have great potential to change treatment paradigms in various neurological diseases. In this review, we discuss the current clinical applications of therapeutic ultrasound, as well as the fields in which this promising technology is expected to be useful.


Ultrasonic; Therapy; Blood-brain barrier; Neurosurgery; Stroke

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