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³»½Ã°æ °æÁ¢Çüµ¿ ¼ö¼ú ÈÄ ÅÍÅ°¾È ³» µÎ°³Àú Àç°Ç Sellar floor reconstruction during endoscopic transsphenoidal approach

´ëÇѵΰ³ÀúÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 14±Ç 2È£ p.10 ~ 15
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ÃÖÁöÀº ( Choi Ji-Eun ) 
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È«»ó´ö ( Hong Sang-Duk ) 
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Endoscopic skull base surgery is a rapidly growing surgical area with collaboration of otolaryngology-head and neck surgeons and neurosurgeons. Various tumor pathology and extent have been successfully treated with endoscopic transsphenoidal approach and diverse reconstruction methods have been adopted since its introduction. Optimal reconstructive strategy should be properly selected with the consideration of the heterogeneous surgical situations and tumor extent. Nevertheless, there are no current manuals in selecting when and how. Therefore, we sought to review diverse options of sellar floor reconstruction.


Endoscopy; Reconstructive surgical procedures; Sella turcica

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