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Static treatment of incomplete facial paralysis with tensor fascia lata sling

´ëÇѵΰ³ÀúÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 14±Ç 2È£ p.39 ~ 43
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¹ÚÁØÈ£ ( Park Jun-Ho ) 
Seoul National University College of Medicine Seoul National University Hospital Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

ÀåÇР( Chang Hak ) 
Seoul National University College of Medicine Seoul National University Hospital Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery


Facial paralysis affects the quality of life of patients by disrupting the innate connection between mimetic muscles and emotions, which results in a social interaction barrier. Various methods, including static and dynamic treatment have been introduced and free functional muscle transfer with dual innervation method has gained popularity in the last decade. However, for patients with incomplete facial paralysis, free functional muscle transfer is burdensome by its relatively unpredictable outcome and lengthy operation. Rather than aggressive free functional muscle transfer, tensor fascia lata sling remains to be one of the most valuable tool for reanimation in patient with incomplete facial paralysis.


Fascia lata; Facial paralysis; Reconstructive surgical procedures

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