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ÀÀ±Þ½Ç¿¡ ¹æ¹®ÇÑ ¼Ò¾ÆÀÇ ¿ªÇÐÀû Ư¼º: 3³â °£ÀÇ ´ÜÀϱâ°ü ¿¬±¸ Epidemiologic characteristics of children who visited an emergency department: a single center study over three years

´ëÇѼҾÆÀÀ±ÞÀÇÇÐȸÁö 2016³â 3±Ç 1È£ p.24 ~ 31
ÃÖ¼ö¿­, Á¶Àμö, ÇÏö¹Î,
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ÃÖ¼ö¿­ ( Choi Soo-Yerl ) 
ÇÑÀüº´¿ø ÀÀ±ÞÀÇÇаú

Á¶Àμö ( Cho In-Soo ) 
ÇÏö¹Î ( Ha Chul-Min ) 


Purpose: Increasing visit of children to emergency departments (EDs) necessitates the effort to expand pediatric emergency medicine resources. We conducted this study to understand the epidemiologic characteristics of children who visited a community hospital ED.

Methods: The medical records of 32,031 children aged younger than 18 years were reviewed retrospectively from January
2013 to December 2015. We analyzed the age distribution, season, day, and time of visit, cause of visit, test performed, initial diagnosis, injury mechanisms, and disposition.

Results: Mean age of the children was 6.2¡¾5.1 years and boys accounted for 59.1%. Children who had disease (65.5%) and aged 1 to 4 years (41.9%) accounted for the largest population. There was no difference of age distribution through seasons (P = 0.07). The proportions of children with disease and injury were the highest during winter (72.5%) and autumn (38.2%), respectively (P < 0.001). Children tended to visit the ED more frequently during non-business hours. In particular, children who aged 1 to 4 years, had disease or were slight ill visited the ED more frequently during this period (P < 0.001). Plain abdomen radiographs and urinalyses were performed to 29.8% and 16.1% of the children, respectively. Functional gastrointestinal disorder (20.3%) and laceration (30.1%) were the most common initial diagnoses among the children with disease and injury, respectively. The most common injury mechanism was struck injury (29.7%). After the treatment, 94.4% of the children were sent home from the ED. Of the remaining children, 5.5% were admitted, 0.1% were transferred to other hospitals, and 0.04% expired.

Conclusion: Children who aged 1 to 4 years, had disease or were slight ill visited the ED more frequently during non-usiness hours than business hours. Pediatric emergency medicine resources should be expanded in consideration of this.


Child; Emergencies; Epidemiology; Urinary Tract Infections; X-Rays

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