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±Þ¼º ½É±Ù¿°À¸·Î ÀÎÇÑ Àü½Å°­Á÷¹ßÀÛ Áõ·Ê A case of generalized tonic seizures related to acute myocarditis

´ëÇѼҾÆÀÀ±ÞÀÇÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 7±Ç 2È£ p.127 ~ 130
¾çÁ¤È¯, ³ªÀçÀ±, ÀÌÁø¼®, ±è´ÙÀº, ¼ÛÁø¿µ, °­À̼®, ¿¹Çý·Ã,
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¾çÁ¤È¯ ( Yang Jeong-Hwan ) 
Seoul Medical Center Department of Pediatrics

³ªÀçÀ± ( Na Jae-Yoon ) 
Seoul Medical Center Department of Pediatrics
ÀÌÁø¼® ( Lee Jin-Seok ) 
Seoul Medical Center Department of Pediatrics
±è´ÙÀº ( Kim Da-Eun ) 
Seoul Medical Center Department of Pediatrics
¼ÛÁø¿µ ( Song Jin-Young ) 
Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Samsung Medical Center Department of Pediatrics
°­À̼® ( Kang I-Seok ) 
Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Samsung Medical Center Department of Pediatrics
¿¹Çý·Ã ( Yeh Hye-Ryun ) 
Seoul Medical Center Department of Pediatrics


It is challenging to clinically distinguish between convulsive syncope and true seizure. We describe a 7-year-old girl presenting with generalized tonic seizure caused by acquired complete atrioventricular block related to acute myocarditis. After hospitalization following 6 episodes of new-onset fever with seizure, she had a short episode of abrupt complete atrioventricular block followed by another generalized tonic seizure. The concentrations of cardiac enzymes were elevated, and her echocardiogram showed a decreased left ventricular function. This case underlines the necessity of cardiac investigations in children with convulsive syncope.


Atrioventricular Block; Child; Myocarditis; Seizures; Syncope

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