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°Ë¾È ¹× ÄÜÅÃÆ®·»ÁîÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 18±Ç 1È£ p.23 ~ 26
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Á¶¼º¿ø ( Cho Sung-Won ) 
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Çϼ®±Ô ( Ha Suk-Gyu ) 
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±è½ÂÇö ( Kim Seung-Hyun ) 
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Purpose: To report a case of unilateral compressive optic neuropathy caused by rhino-orbital mucormycosis in an immunocompetent patient.

Case summary: A 62-year-old male visited the ophthalmology department with discomfort and decreased visual acuity in his right eye. There were no signs of eyelid edema, limited ocular movement, or proptosis. The patient had no history of diabetes and hypertension. On ophthalmologic examination, relative afferent pupillary defect, decreased color vision, optic disc swelling, and inferior visual field defect were observed in the right eye. There were no abnormal results of laboratory investigation. Brain and orbit magnetic resonance image revealed right ethmoidal sinus mass-like lesion with extension into the orbital cavity, and ethmoidal biopsy confirmed it as mucormycosis.

Conclusions: We reported a case of unilateral compressive optic neuropathy caused by rhino-orbital mucormycosis in the non-immunocompromised patient without other systemic diseases.


Fungi; Infection; Optic neuropathy; Orbit

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