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Development of Eye Color Diagnostic Tool and Coloration for Ocular Prosthesis

°Ë¾È ¹× ÄÜÅÃÆ®·»ÁîÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 18±Ç 4È£ p.105 ~ 110
±è¼ÒÇö, ¹ÚÀ¶°æ, ±èÀ±Á¤, ¹é½Â¿î, ÀÌÁ¾Àº, À±Áø¼÷,
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±è¼ÒÇö ( Kim So-Hyun ) 
Yonsei University College of Medicine Severance Hospital Department of Ophthalmology

¹ÚÀ¶°æ ( Park Yung-Kyung ) 
Ewha Womans University Department of Design
±èÀ±Á¤ ( Kim Yoon-Jung ) 
Ewha Womans University Ewha Color Design Research Institute
¹é½Â¿î ( Baek Seung-Woon ) 
Yonsei University College of Medicine Severance Hospital Department of Ophthalmology
ÀÌÁ¾Àº ( Lee Jong-Eun ) 
Kyung Hee University College of Medicine
À±Áø¼÷ ( Yoon Jin-Sook ) 
Yonsei University College of Medicine Severance Hospital Department of Ophthalmology


Purpose: This study focused on devising a novel method to objectify and automate the manual method of iris and vessel painting for use in ocular prosthesis.

Methods: Standard image data were created to match the iris color, iris pattern, scleral color, vessel color, and vessel density of the patient¡¯s healthy eye. To apply the colors of the standardized dataset, we developed a color diagnostics tool. Thereafter, the image data were directly printed on the scleral surface using the sublimation transfer technique.

Results: Using the eye color diagnostic tool to examine the iris offers several advantages, including convenient measurement, objective color identification, and creation of personalized graphic data. It also reduces the errors of remanufacturing due to incorrect measurement of eye color. The use of customized image dataset of the eye may help

Conclusions: The use of eye color diagnostic tool and sublimation transfer printing of the iris and vessel images reduce the time and effort required and therefore allows for more efficient production of ocular prosthesis.


Eye colors; Image processing; Korean standard dataset; Ocular prosthesis; Ophthalmology

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