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Single-cell and spatial sequencing application in pathology

Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine 2023³â 57±Ç 1È£ p.43 ~ 51
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±èÀ±¼· ( Kim Yoon-Seob ) 
Catholic University Department of Microbiology

ÃÖÁø¿ë ( Choi Jin-Yong ) 
Catholic University Department of Microbiology
À̼®Çü ( Lee Sug-Hyung ) 
Catholic University Department of Pathology


Traditionally, diagnostic pathology uses histology representing structural alterations in a disease¡¯s cells and tissues. In many cases, however, it is supplemented by other morphology-based methods such as immunohistochemistry and fluorescent in situ hybridization. Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is one of the strategies that may help tackle the heterogeneous cells in a disease, but it does not usually provide histologic information. Spatial sequencing is designed to assign cell types, subtypes, or states according to the mRNA expression on a histological section by RNA sequencing. It can provide mRNA expressions not only of diseased cells, such as cancer cells but also of stromal cells, such as immune cells, fibroblasts, and vascular cells. In this review, we studied current methods of spatial transcriptome sequencing based on their technical backgrounds, tissue preparation, and analytic procedures. With the pathology examples, useful recommendations for pathologists who are just getting started to use spatial sequencing analysis in research are provided here. In addition, leveraging spatial sequencing by integration with scRNA-seq is reviewed. With the advantages of simultaneous histologic and single-cell information, spatial sequencing may give a molecular basis for pathological diagnosis, improve our understanding of diseases, and have potential clinical applications in prognostics and diagnostic pathology.


Single-cell sequencing; Spatial sequencing; Pathology; Histology; Transcriptome; Diseases

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