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Disseminated adenovirus infection in a 10-year-old renal allograft recipient

Kidney Research and Clinical Practice 2018³â 37±Ç 4È£ p.414 ~ 417
À̺¸¶ó, ¹ÚÀ¯Áø, ÇÏÁ¾¿ø, ÇÏÀϼö, Á¤ÇØÀÏ, °­Èñ°æ,
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À̺¸¶ó ( Lee Bo-Ra ) 
Seoul National University College of Medicine Department of Pediatrics

¹ÚÀ¯Áø ( Park Eu-Jin ) 
Hallym University Medical Center Department of Pediatrics
ÇÏÁ¾¿ø ( Ha Jong-Won ) 
Seoul National University College of Medicine Department of Surgery
ÇÏÀϼö ( Ha Il-Soo ) 
Seoul National University College of Medicine Department of Pediatrics
Á¤ÇØÀÏ ( Cheong Hae-Il ) 
Seoul National University College of Medicine Department of Pediatrics
°­Èñ°æ ( Kang Hee-Gyung ) 
Seoul National University College of Medicine Department of Pediatrics


Disseminated adenovirus infection can result in high mortality and morbidity in immunocompromised patients. Here, we report the case of a 10-year-old renal allograft recipient who presented with hematuria and dysuria. Adenovirus was isolated from his urine. His urinary symptoms decreased after intravenous hydration and reduction of immunosuppressants. However, 2 weeks later he presented with general weakness and laboratory tests indicated renal failure necessitating emergency hemodialysis. Adenovirus was detected in his sputum; therefore, intravenous ganciclovir and immunoglobulin therapy were initiated. Renal biopsy revealed diffuse necrotizing granulomatous tubulointerstitial nephritis compatible with renal involvement of the viral infection. Adenovirus was detected in his serum. Despite cidofovir administration for 2 weeks, adenovirus was also detected in the cerebrospinal fluid, resulting in generalized tonic-clonic seizure. The patient died 7 weeks after the onset of urinary symptoms. Adenovirus should be considered in screening tests for post-renal transplantation patients who present with hemorrhagic cystitis.


Adenoviridae; Kidney transplantation; Opportunistic infections; Pediatrics

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