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´ëÇÑ¿µ»óÀÇÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 80±Ç 3È£ p.445 ~ 465
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ÀÌÁÖ¿¬ ( Lee Ju-Yeon ) 
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Owing to the developments in imaging modalities, imaging has become an essential element in the early evaluation of and decision-making algorithm for patients with trauma. In particular, CT technology has developed over the past decades, resulting in faster image acquisition and higher image quality. Currently, CT is the key imaging modality for triaging surgical and non-surgical treatment in patients with abdominal trauma and plays an important role in increasing the frequency and success rate of non-surgical treatment. Because rapid and accurate diagnosis of injury in patients with trauma can improve the patients' prognosis, radiologists should be familiar with the imaging findings, especially the CT findings, in patients with trauma. In this article, the authors reviewed the considerations when performing CT for evaluating abdominal trauma. In addition, they described the important imaging findings and pitfalls when diagnosing blunt trauma in various intra-abdominal organs.


Abdominal Injuries; Blunt Injuries; Multidetector Computed Tomography; Trauma

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