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±¹°¡Æó¾Ï°ËÁø CT¿¡¼­ÀÇ Æó¾Ï ¿Ü Áß¿ä ¼Ò°ß Significant Abnormalities Other than Lung Cancer in Korean Lung Cancer CT Screening

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È«Á¤Èñ ( Hong Jung-Hee ) 
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±èÈñ°æ ( Kim Hee-Kyung ) 
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A low-dose chest CT is performed for early detection of lung cancer, but the CT scan frequently shows several incidental abnormalities. Identification of the incidental findings may enable early detection of diseases other than lung cancer, thereby improving the survival of the individual undergoing screening. However, insignificant incidental abnormalities may cause unnecessary additional examination and costs. It is crucial for radiologists to appropriately comprehend and report significant incidental abnormalities other than lung cancer for successful implementation of the national lung cancer screening program in Korea.


Lung Neoplasms; Early Detection of Cancer; Computed Tomography, X-Ray; Incidental Findings

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