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´ëÇÑ¿µ»óÀÇÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 81±Ç 2È£ p.272 ~ 289
¼Û¹ÎÁö, ±è¼ºÁø, ±¸ÇöÁ¤, ±è¹®¿µ, À¯Áø¿µ,
¼Ò¼Ó »ó¼¼Á¤º¸
¼Û¹ÎÁö ( Song Min-Ji ) 
Chungbuk National University Hospital Department of Radiology

±è¼ºÁø ( Kim Sung-Jin ) 
Chungbuk National University Hospital Department of Radiology
±¸ÇöÁ¤ ( Koo Hyun-Jung ) 
University of Ulsan College of Medicine Asan Medical Center Department of Radiology
±è¹®¿µ ( Kim Moon-Young ) 
SMG-SNU Boramae Medical Center Department of Radiology
À¯Áø¿µ ( Yoo Jin-Young ) 
Chungbuk National University Hospital Department of Radiology


Àü»êÈ­´ÜÃþÃÔ¿µ(ÀÌÇÏ CT) ¿µ»ó ±â¼úÀÇ ¹ßÀüÀ¸·Î ¹Úµ¿ÇÏ´Â ½ÉÀå¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ¼¶¼¼ÇÑ ¿µ»óÀÇÇÐÀû Æò°¡°¡ °¡´ÉÇØÁ³´Ù. ½ÉÃÊÀ½ÆÄ ¹× MRI¿¡ ºñÇØ ½ÉÀå CTÀÇ °­Á¡Àº ´ëºÎºÐÀÇ ÀÇ·á±â°ü¿¡ º¸±ÞµÇ¾î ÀÖ°í °íÇ°Áú À̹ÌÁöÀÇ ºü¸¥ »ý»êÀÌ °¡´ÉÇϸç ÇغÎÇÐÀû ¹¦»ç°¡ ¶Ù¾î³ª´Ù´Â °ÍÀÌ´Ù. Á½ɹæ°ú Á½ɹæÀÌ¿¡¼­ »ý±â´Â ´ëºÎºÐÀÇ º¯ÀÌ È¤Àº º´¸®Àû »óŵéÀº CT »óÀÇ ¼Ò°ß¸¸À¸·Îµµ ÃßÁ¤Áø´ÜÀ» ³»¸± ¼ö ÀÖ´Ù. ¶ÇÇÑ CT ¿µ»óÀº ¼º°øÀûÀÎ Ä«Å×ÅÍ ±â¹Ý ½Ã¼ú ¶Ç´Â ¼ö¼ú¿¡ Áß¿äÇÑ ÇغÎÇÐÀû Á¤º¸µéÀ» Á¦°øÇÑ´Ù. ƯÈ÷ Á½ɹæ°ú Á½ɹæÀÌ´Â ½É¹æ¼¼µ¿ ȯÀÚµéÀÇ Ä¡·á ¹× °ü¸®¿¡ Áß¿äÇѵ¥, ÀÌ´Â ´Ù¾çÇÑ Ä«Å×ÅÍ ±â¹Ý ½Ã¼úµéÀÌ µÎ ±¸Á¶¹°ÀÇ ±â°èÀû ȤÀº Àü±âÀû Â÷´ÜÀ» ¸ñÇ¥·Î Çϱ⠶§¹®ÀÌ´Ù. µû¶ó¼­ ÀÓ»óÀûÀ¸·Î ÀÇ¹Ì ÀÖ´Â Æǵ¶À» À§Çؼ­´Â º´¸®Àû »óÅÂÀÇ CT ¼Ò°ß ±â¼ú°ú ÇÔ²² ÁÂ½É¹æ ¹× Á½ɹæÀÌÀÇ ¸ð¾ç, Å©±â ¹× ÁÖº¯ ±¸Á¶¹°°úÀÇ »ó´ëÀû À§Ä¡ °ü°è µî¿¡ ´ëÇÑ Æ÷°ýÀûÀÎ °ËÅ並 ÇØ¾ß ÇÑ´Ù.

Current advances in CT techniques allow thorough evaluation of the beating heart. The strengths of cardiac CT relative to echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging are its high availability in most institutions, rapid production of high-quality images, and outstanding delineation of the anatomy. For many normal variants and pathologic conditions, such as thrombi, masses, and congenital abnormalities of the left atrium, CT findings are sufficient to make a presumptive diagnosis. Assessments of the left atrium and left atrial appendage are particularly important for the management of atrial fibrillation, as various catheter-based procedures are aimed at the mechanical and electrical isolation of these structures. CT offers information crucial to a successful catheter-based procedure or surgery. Therefore, a comprehensive review of the geometry (shape, size, and relative position), along with various CT imaging features of pathologic states, should be provided in radiology reports to be of clinical value.


Left Atrium; Atrial Appendage; Cardiac Catheterization; Atrial Remodeling; Heart Neoplasms; Atrial Fibrillation; Computed Tomography, X-Ray

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