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Nail sparing and sub-nail bed approach for the excision of subungual glomus tumors

Archives of Hand and Microsurgery 2022³â 27±Ç 2È£ p.154 ~ 160
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³²ÀçÁØ ( Nam Jae-Jun ) 
Korea University College of Medicine Department of Dermatology

±è¿ëºó ( Kim Yong-Been ) 
Korea University College of Medicine Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
±èÀçÁß ( Kim Jae-Joong ) 
Korea University College of Medicine Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
ÃÖÀÎö ( Choi In-Cheul ) 
Korea University College of Medicine Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
¹ÚÁ¾¿õ ( Park Jong-Woong ) 
Korea University College of Medicine Department of Orthopedic Surgery


Purpose : The excision of subungual glomus tumors on the distal phalanx may cause nail deformities. Herein, we report our nail-sparing and sub-nail bed approach for the excision of subungual glomus tumors, which enables subungual glomus tumor excision without removal of the nail plate and further allows access to the tumor mass by dissecting beneath the nail bed and germinal matrix to minimize postoperative pain and nail bed injury. Therefore, the present article describes this operative approach and reports surgical outcomes with respect to patient satisfaction, pain, and the final postoperative nail shape.

Methods : Thirty-two cases of clinically diagnosed subungual glomus tumors treated with this approach were retrospectively evaluated. Mean pain scores were measured at 1 week postoperatively and at the last follow-up. Patients were asked for their subjective opinion regarding the final nail shape, and their responses were assessed as ¡°satisfied¡± or ¡°unsatisfied.¡± The objective results for the final nail shape were graded as ¡°excellent,¡± ¡°good,¡± or ¡°poor¡± by two orthopedic hand surgeons.

Results : The mean postoperative pain score (visual analog scale) at 1 week was 1.8. No patients reported pain at the last follow-up. Subjectively, 96.6% of patients were satisfied with the operation. Objectively, the postoperative nail shape was excellent in 9.3% of cases, good in 87.5%, and poor in 3.1%.

Conclusion : This approach provides minimal postoperative pain, high patient satisfaction, and favorable cosmetic outcomes with respect to the nail shape by avoiding removal of the nail plate and incision of the nail bed and germinal matrix.


Subungual glomus tumor; Nail bed injury; Nail deformity; Sub-nail bed approach

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