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Development of fluorination methodology for carbon-fluorine bond formation: old electrophilic fluorinating reagents

´ëÇѹæ»ç¼ºÀǾàÇ°ÇÐȸÁö 2018³â 4±Ç 1È£ p.11 ~ 15
Bae Dae-Young, ÀÌÀº¼º,
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 ( Bae Dae-Young ) 
Pohang University of Science and Technology Department of Chemistry

ÀÌÀº¼º ( Lee Eun-Sung ) 
Pohang University of Science and Technology Department of Chemistry


Electrophilic fluorinating reagents are typically efficient for carbon?fluorine (C?F) bonds formation due to their higher reactivity even under mild condition. Thus, they have been playing an important role to improve C?F bonds formation reactions via direct fluorination reaction with electrophilic fluorinating reagents or transition metal catalysis. Advances on the recent fluorination methods are mainly results of SelectfluorTM¡¯s capability on facile fluorination. In this mini-review, we describe synthesis and application of four old yet popular electrophilic fluorinating reagents such as N-fluorobenzenesulfonimide (NFSI), N-fluoropyridinium salts, SelectfluorTM, and N-fluorosultam.


Fluorination; Carbon-fluorine bond; Electrophilic fluorinating reagents; Catalysis

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