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Radiation medicine infrastructure in north korea

´ëÇѹæ»ç¼ºÀǾàÇ°ÇÐȸÁö 2018³â 4±Ç 2È£ p.95 ~ 98
±èÈñÁø, À̱³Ã¶, ÀÓ»ó¹«, ÀÌ¿ëÁø, Á¤¼ºÃ¶, ±èÁ¤¿µ,
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±èÈñÁø ( Kim Hee-Jin ) 
Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences External Strategy Team

À̱³Ã¶ ( Lee Kyo-Chul ) 
Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences Department of RI-Convergence Research
Àӻ󹫠( Lim Sang-Moo ) 
Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences Department of RI-Convergence Research
ÀÌ¿ëÁø ( Lee Yong-Jin ) 
Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences Department of RI-Convergence Research
Á¤¼ºÃ¶ ( Jung Sung-Chul ) 
Ewha Womans University School of Medicine Department of Biochemistry
±èÁ¤¿µ ( Kim Jung-Young ) 
Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences Department of RI-Convergence Research


Recently, South and North Korea summits agreed to implement the cooperation and promotion of medical healthcare at the third inter-Korean summit in Pyeongyang on September 18, 2018. Therefore, the South Korean government and its affiliated organizations have been looking for ways to establish a specific plan for support and exchanges in the field of healthcare and medical technology. In the background of the above new policy, radiation medicine technology can also contribute to the exchange in the field of healthcare and science & technology for the peaceful coexistence of one Korea. In this review, we analyzed and showed the status of healthcare and radiation medicine infrastructure in North Korea in order to further develop a plan to share the benefits of radiation medicine with North Korea in the exchange of healthcare and science & technology.


Radiation medicine; North Korea; Healthcare cooperation; Science & technology cooperation

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