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About naked fluoride

´ëÇѹæ»ç¼ºÀǾàÇ°ÇÐȸÁö 2018³â 4±Ç 2È£ p.121 ~ 123
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ÀÌÀº¼º ( Lee Eun-Sung ) 
Pohang University of Science and Technology Department of Chemistry


Fluoride is one of most important atoms for both clinical and pharmaceutical usage. Associated with such a strong need, 18F-fluoride has been widely used as an essential radioisotope. The fluoride always suffers from strong solvation effects through strong hydrogen bonding, which reduce the reactivity of fluoride anion. To enhance the reactivity, the concept of naked fluoride was introduced in the fluorination field. In this essay, I will briefly describe the history of naked fluoride concept and development of naked fluoride sources.


Fluorination; Carbon?fluorine; Nucleophilic Fluorinating Reagents; Catalysis

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