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ÀüµÎÃøµÎ¿± Ä¡¸Å(frontotemporal dementia)·Î ÀÎÇÑ »ïÅ´°ú ½ÄÀÌÀÇ º¯È­ Dysphagia and Dietary Changes Cause of Frontotemporal Dementia

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Frontotemporal dementia is classified as non-Alzheimer¡¯s disease dementia due to progressive degeneration of the frontal or temporal lobes of the cerebrum, or both sides. Excessive intake of food and overeating are classified as typical features of frontotemporal dementia. The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of the dysphagia region by reviewing the related literature at the present time, which is very rare to report changes in swallowing and dietary changes due to frontotemporal dementia. It has been found that patients with frontotemporal dementia have increased general problem behaviors in swallowing-related problems, appetite changes, dietary preferences, dietary habits, and other oral behavioral areas when compared to Alzheimer's dementia. The results of fiberoptic endoscopy evaluation of swallowing(FEES) showed that when food was leaked into pharynx during mastication, location of food at onset of swallow, location of liquid at onset of swallow, amount of food residue after the swallow, and the aspiration severity rating were increased in the direction of increasing the risk of aspiration when compared with the normal group. Therefore, occupational therapists who are swallowing specialists should understand the swallowing and related characteristics of the subjects with frontotemporal dementia and make various efforts to improve the quality of life through safe eating of the subjects and stable intake of their preferred foods.


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Dysphagia; Frontotemporal dementia; Swallowing

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