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Cancer of the head and neck is complicated after surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy, and various levels of dysphagia occur. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation strengthens muscle strength of oral pharyngeal muscles and promotes nerve plasticity. However, despite many studies on the positive effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation, there is no report that neuromuscular electrical stimulation is more effective than traditional swallow rehabilitation. This may be due to the fact that the mechanism of muscle fiber mobilization during muscle contraction is different from the normal mechanism. Imagination training can activate the motor neurons of the brain by practicing the movements psychologically without actual body movements. Imaginary training can therefore complement muscle fiber mobilization problems of neuromuscular electrical stimulation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of swallowing rehabilitation therapy combined with imagination training and neuromuscular electrical stimulation on swallowing function in patients with nasal dysfunction after nasal T-cell lymphoma diagnosis and radiation therapy. This is a case study. A 68 - year - old male patient was treated with imaginary training and neuromuscular stimulation for 40 minutes from August 23 to September 13, 2017, and medicated for 30 minutes after rehabilitation. Once a day for 70 minutes, and five times a week for a total of 15 times. After the 5 sessions, the evaluation of swallowing ability and the modified barium swallow test were carried out one time, four times, including the initial evaluation. There was improvement in swallowing ability evaluation and modified barium swallow test. The swallowing ability evaluation result was improved from 31.2 seconds to 15.2 seconds. In addition, self-excretion and pharyngeal pressure were improved. When the food was swallowed with various concentrations and textures, all that was observed in the seven foods disappeared, the aspiration was no longer observed, and the invasion was seen only in the two foods that were observed in the four foods. In particular, it has been observed that the aspiration during swallowing is significantly reduced in the course of the test. In the final examination, invasion was observed, but the invasion that was observed after swallowing and after swallowing was clearly reduced. The results of this study showed that the combination of imaginative training and neuromuscular stimulation applied to existing swallowing rehabilitation treatment positively affected the swallowing function of patients with nasal T-cell lymphoma.


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Dysphagia; Swallowing; Mental Imagery Training; Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation

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