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°³±¸Àå¾Ö ÀÔ¹ú¸² ÃøÁ¤ µµ±¸ÀÇ °Ë»çÀÚ°£, °Ë»çÀÚ³» ½Å·Úµµ ÃøÁ¤ The interrater and intrarater reliability of mouth opening measurement tool of Trismus

´ëÇÑ¿¬ÇÏÀçÈ°ÇÐȸÁö 2018³â 1±Ç 1È£ p.39 ~ 44
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Trismus is a condition in which the mouth is not opened due to movement limitation of the jaw joint. Trismus causes major disruption to daily life, such as oral hygiene, eating and speaking. Currently, various tools are used to measure the mouth opening. Vernier calipers and the TheraBite¢ç range of motion scale from Atos Medical were used in several studies of the opening defect. In this study, we used TheraBite¢ç ROM scale, which is easy to use among various mouth opening measurement tools, to investigate the intra-test and intra-test reliability. The subjects of this study were normal adult 10 men and 10 women. The measurer was selected as occupational therapist who has 15 years of clinical experience and occupational therapist who has treated open mouth disorder for 2 years or more during 9 years of career. IBM SPSS version 23 was used as the statistical program. Measurer A showed confidence in .986 to .998 and Reporter B in .985 to .998 showed high confidence in both of the two investigators. In the inter-rater reliability, two measurers showed high inter-rater reliability (r = .994). The TheraBite¢ç ROM scale is a reliable measurement tool if the measurer measures with accurate metrics.


°³±¸Àå¾Ö; ÃÖ´ëÀÔ¹ú¸²; TheraBite¢ç ROM scale
Trismus; Maximal mouth opening; TheraBite¢ç ROM scale

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