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Wearing dentures can result in a somewhat unbalanced nutrient by changing mastication and changing taste by changing diet, avoiding hard and chewy food and choosing mainly soft foods. The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of denture wearing mastication and cognitive function of the elderly. In the elderly who wear dentures, oral sensory function is lowered compared to normal teeth. If the tooth loss caused by continuous aging does not result in sufficient mastication, it is difficult to digest the food due to the occurrence of the oral cavity problem, Which is an important factor. In addition, it was confirmed that masticatory exercise had a positive effect on learning and memory capacity by increasing blood oxygen concentration in frontal cortex and hippocampus performing cognitive function, and correlation between denture and MMSE-K It was found that there was a significant risk of injury or dementia. Therefore, the occupational therapist should observe the mastication and swallowing process of patients and elderly people who wear denture based on the expertise of swallowing disorder, and identify the problems and perform swallowing training appropriate to each stage.


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Denture; Elderly; Mastication; Cognitive Function

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