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´ëÇÑ¿¬ÇÏÀçÈ°ÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 2±Ç 1È£ p.9 ~ 14
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±èµÎ±Ô ( Kim Tu-Kyu ) 
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the use of surface electromyography feedback with effortful swallowing in the treatment of the supraglottic partial laryngectomy with dysphagia. We investigated a 76-year-old man with supraglottic partial laryngectomy using the videofluoroscopic swallowing study. From the results of the videofluoroscopic swallowing studies, no laryngeal elevation and absent pharyngeal contraction. A patient was treated for dysphagia with surface electromyography as biofeedback as adjunct to normal exercise for 9 weeks. After 9 weeks therapy, we found out the decrease of the residue in vallecula and pyriform sinus. The subject removed NG tube and started oral feeding with semisolid foods(thin gruel, yoghurt). Our data suggest that the use of surface electromyography as biofeedback with effortful swallowing in the treatment of dysphagia after supraglottic partial laryngectomy could be an effective adjunct to standard therapy for swallowing disorder.


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Head and neck cancer; Supraglottic Partial laryngectomy; Dysphagia; Biofeedback; Effortful swallowing

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