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´ëÇÑ¿¬ÇÏÀçÈ°ÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 2±Ç 1È£ p.33 ~ 45
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¹Î°æö ( Min Kyung-Chul ) 
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Final goal of Dysphagia therapy is eating safely in client¡¯s ability. Dysphagia therapy was focus on increasing swallowing, facilitating oral motor skills, eating safely, not focus on food properties. Food properties are sensation, flavor, and texture. Sensations from food are taste, olfactory, and texture sensation. Primary tastes are five : sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami, and there another study about new tastes like fat, starch tastes. Tastes could be changed and disappeared by aging, neural disease, and medication. It is called Taste disorder, and it affects sensory normalization and consuming foods. Flavors are progress and integration of taste, visual, auditory, and olfactory sensory, especially taste and olfactory sense. Taste and olfaction effect each other to increase others. Texture is the tactile sensory of food during oral process. Texture is changed during the process of bite, chew down, and swallowing. It helps us to feel the properties of bolus and determine swallowing. Occupational therapists as an experts on dysphagia therapy, need to understand food properties, especially taste, flavor and texture perception and should try their best continuously to give qualified treatment by using these characteristics for participating in the safe and joyful meal.


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Dysphagia therapy; Feeding therapy; Dysphagia; Food taste; Food flavor; Food texture

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