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This study aims to investigate the changes of oropharyngeal swallowing functions after progressive tongue pull-back exercise using a tongue retractor in stroke patients with diminished pharyngeal muscle strength. Participants were convenience sampled. The intervention group consisted of patients admitted to the Y Rehabilitation Hospital between January and June 2019 and underwent 20 minutes of the traditional swallowing rehabilitation therapy and 10 minutes of tongue base retraction exercise. The control group consisted of patients admitted to the same hospital between June and December 2018 and underwent 30 minutes of the traditional swallowing rehabilitation therapy. Both groups underwent the corresponding interventions 30 minutes a day, five days a week for 12 weeks. Videofluoroscopic study (VFSS) was performed before and after the intervention, and changes in oropharyngeal swallowing function was assessed using the videofloroscopic dysphagia scale (VDS). Both groups showed improvements in swallowing function after the intervention, but not to a statistically significant extent. However, The experimental group showed better results at the total points of the VDS and at the pharyngeal stage items than the control group. This study confirmed that tongue base retraction exercise has a positive impact on improving pharyngeal swallowing function.


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Stroke; Swallowing; Dysphagia; Resistance exercise; Oropharynx

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