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Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between clinical practice stress and resilience in ophthalmic optics students.

Methods : A questionnaire survey was conducted on 59 students of ophthalmic optics in Chungnam area. The t-test and one-way ANOVA were used to determine whether there was a difference in resilience and clinical practice stress according to general characteristics. Post hoc analysis was carried out by Scheffe test. Pearson¡¯s correlation analysis was used to examine the relationship between clinical practice stress and resilience. Multiple regression analysis was performed by stepwise method to investigate the effect of resilience on clinical practice stress.

Results : Resilience was significantly different according to gender, satisfaction with clinical practices, health status, and human relationship. Clinical practice stresses were significantly different according to gender, satisfaction of clinical practices, (evaluation of) health status, and the usual human(personal) relationship. Clinical practice stress showed a significant negative correlation with self-control ability (r=-0.313, p=0.016). Also, self-control ability (¥â=-0.313, p=0.016) of resilience has a statistically significant negative impact on clinical practice stress.

Conclusion : Since the resilience of ophthalmic optics students is an important factor to reduce the clinical practice stress, it is necessary to improve the clinical performance ability through the development and application of curriculum to increase resilience.


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Clinical practice stress; Field training; Resilience; Self-control ability

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