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Purpose : The purpose of this study is to investigate the social awareness of optometrists. By raising the social awareness of the optometrists, We intend to establish basic data that can positively influence the public eye health for strengthening the status of optometrists.

Methods : The subjects of 172 normal people and 70 optometrists were participated. It assumed that the social awareness was considered to be different according to gender, age, education level, and occupation. Thus, the questionnaires were classified by each category, and the detailed items were made and distributed using Goggle online questionnaire.

Results : The distribution of the people according to gender was 73 males(42.4%) and 99 females(57.6%).
The age groups of respondents were shown 20s(12.8%), 30s(24.4%), 40s(21.5%), 50 or more(40.7%). The educational levels of high school graduates(21.5%), college graduates(57.6%) and graduate schools(20.9%) were distributed. When asked about the main tasks of optometrists, both ordinary people and optometrists thought that optometrists were the experts in vision healthcare, followed by the glasses and contact lens salesman. Most of optometrists¡¯ main tasks were thought to be specialists in vision healthcare, but when they felt the necessity of vision screening, eye clinic visit(61.6%) were higher than optical shop visit(36.0%). Most of the optical shop¡¯s customers were satisfied with their prescription(78.5%). The dissatisfaction of customers who felt unsatisfied(14.0%) was the lack of refractive test expertise(48.2%) and customer response(14.1%) in order. As a result of this survey, optometrists responded that they need the expert knowledge of refraction examination and of binocular vision examination to become a professional optometrist. In the questionnaire to the normals on whether the optometrist is an experts who passed national examination as a professional optometrist, 33.7% of the ordinary people did not realize that optometrists acquire a national¡¯s license. In addition, 50.6% of those said that they did not know that the people working in eye clinics were optometrists.

Conclusion : As a result of the social awareness on optometrists in Korea, most people think that the main job of optometrists is vision care. On the other hand, the rate of respondents who think that they are glasses and contact lens sellers(41.3%) was also high. Both normal people and optometrists felt that optometrists need a supplement of knowledge on refractive examination and binocular vision test as an expert. In order to increase the status of professional optometrists who have been trained under the national examination, it is necessary to make an effort by themselves, and institutional support is also needed.


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Job Satisfaction; Optometrist; Professionalism; Social awareness

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