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´ëÇѽðúÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 21±Ç 3È£ p.325 ~ 335
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Purpose : This survey study aimed to investigate the consumer group¡¯s awareness of the health care privatization and the permission of corporal optical shops, and to compare and analyze the results with previous studies on optometrist group.

Methods : From May to June of 2018, we conducted a face-to-face questionnaire survey on the health care privatization and the permission of corporal optical shops in 150 consumers in Seoul and Kyunggi, and analyzed the results statistically.

Results : The consumer group consistently showed negative awareness on the health care privatization, but they did not present the negative awareness on the permission of corporal optical shops with very high ratio of neutral responses. Compared with similar survey results for optometrist group, the awareness on the health care privatization was similar in both groups, but there was a big difference in the awareness on the permission of corporal optical shops.

Conclusion : Since the consumer group¡¯s awareness on the permission of corporal optical shops is lower than that on the health care privatization, it is necessary for optometrist group to strengthen the active promotion on the issue for consumer group.


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Health care privatization; Permission of corporal optical shops; Questionnaire

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