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°¢¸·½ÇÁú Äݶó°Õ¼¶À¯ÀÇ ±¤ÇÐÀû Ư¼º Optical Characterization of Corneal Stromal Collagen Fibers

´ëÇѽðúÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 21±Ç 3È£ p.401 ~ 410
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Purpose : To analyze the optical phenomena occurring in the cornea, we investigated the optical properties due to scattering, diffraction, and interference on nanomaterials with the same optical properties as collagen.

Methods : The optical properties of the same material as collagen fibers were analyzed using optical property simulation software. The scattering phenomenon was analyzed by checking the intensity distribution of the electric field when the incident light passed through the collagen fiber. In addition, the light intensity distribution in the slit having collagen optical properties was confirmed and compared with general diffraction and interference phenomena.

Results : It was confirmed that the incident light having a wavelength distribution of 300 to 900 nm had a change in transmittance for each wavelength at the front and back detectors of collagen fibers. Especially at 589 nm, after passing through collagen fibers, the light intensity was slightly higher than before. When light is incident on a plate having collagen optical properties, it is confirmed that incident light and reflected light overlap to form standing waves. The center wavelength of the standing wave was 589 nm and the belly and bottom were repeated at approximately 312 nm intervals. Even when the light was incident on the single slit and the double slit, the standing wave was observed, and it was confirmed that there was a change in the light transmittance according to the slit interval and the thickness.

Conclusion : Since collagen is optically transparent, it is confirmed that the intensity distribution of transmitted light by the plate with the optical properties of collagen is not the same as the intensity distribution by interference and diffraction of opaque objects. Comparative analysis of optical phenomena caused by opaque objects and metals is required, and this result could be applied to various fields.


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Collagen fiber;Diffraction;Interference;Optical properties;Scattering

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