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´ëÇѽðúÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 21±Ç 3È£ p.411 ~ 419
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Purpose: This study investigated the public knowledge regarding the proper use of eye drops such as artificial tears and conditioning solution. In addition, study explored the short term effect of eye drops over time on tear film stability.

Methods: Firstly, online survey was created to ask experience of eye drop use and knowledge regarding proper use. Secondly 20 participants were recruited and participants were divided into group into dry eye group and normal eye group based on OSDI (Ocular Surface Disease Index) survey score (10 for dry eye group, 10 for normal eye group). 3 eye drops (artificial tears (AT), conditioning solution (CS) and saline solution (SS)) were applied to each participants. Tear film stability factors such as TMH and Non-invasive TBUT were measured at baseline, 1 min, 3 min and 5 min after instillation.

Results: All 127 response of online survey collected, 66.7% (n=82) of respondents not sure regarding the difference between artificial tears and conditioning solution. 68.1% (n=47) of contact lens wearers have used artificial tears while wearing CL. Regarding the effect of eye drops over time on TMH, there was significant difference over time of eye drop (Baseline<1 min and 3 min, p<0.050). However there was no difference between baseline and 5 min after(p=0.720) for TBUT measurement. There was significant difference with types of eye drop (SS
Conclusion: As public awareness regarding proper use of eye drops, it is very important to deliver proper instruction to the public. Effect to TMH with eye drops may not last more than 5 min, so temporary improvement. For TBUT, effect of AT on TBUT was greater at 1 min than other eye drops for dry eye group. Instillation of saline solution may worse the tear film stability, in particular TBUT.


°Ç¼º¾È; OSDI; ´«¹°¸· Æı«½Ã°£; ´«¹°¶ì ³ôÀÌ
Dry eye; OSDI; Tear break up time; Tear meniscus height

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